Privacy Policy

At MKF Solutions, we treat our customers the way we want to be treated.

When we purchase software over the Internet, we don't want to be "rewarded" with an inbox full of junk mail because the software company sold our private information to a mass mail firm.

We do want assurances that every reasonable measure has been taken to secure our personal and financial information.

At MKF Solutions, we sell software. We don't sell our customer's personal information. Ever.

Any data that is sent to technical support is considered confidential and only viewed by internal support or development personnel directly working on the issue.

All financial transactions are handled through secure payment processors. Our primary processor, Fastspring, adheres to the strict PCI Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). MKF Solutions does not have direct access to your financial information at any point.

Since our customers may be eligible for free or reduced price upgrades, we do send upgrade announcements to existing customers if they have asked to receive them. We also may send announcements about new products and add-ons to existing customers or individuals who have contacted us about product information if we feel the offering is in line with the request. Although these announcements are very rare, if you do not wish to receive them, you may opt out at any time.