If you could create a piece of software to contain any information you like, what would it look like? What types of
information would you keep in it? Would it be straight-to-the-point-functional, or would you decorate it with graphics and creative fonts?
Creating a display in Database Oasis is just that, designing a piece of software to fit your needs and personality. Of course, all
of the technical parts of creating the software are handled for you. In just a few minutes you can go from a blank page to having a
piece of software that is completely customized to you.
If you've tried to create a database using the average database software, you know how difficult it can be.
With Database Oasis, it's as easy as 1 - 2 -3.
Give your new display a name and add a background color or wallpaper.
Drag and drop the data fields you want onto the page.
Open your new display and start adding data.
Watch a demo of the display designer in action.